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The House of Prayer started in 1983 when a group of believers rented the Old Stewart Tabernacle building on North Smith Pike. The church was an extension of the Lewisville House of Prayer, which is located in Lewisville, Indiana, just 40 miles east of Indianapolis and at the time was pastored by Merrill and Jeanette McBride.
The first Pastors appointed to the small church were Jimmie and Mary Jane Johnson from Hagerstown, Indiana. (February 1983 to November 1983)
Phil and Shelly Harris from Anderson, Indiana were appointed Pastors to succeed Jimmie and Mary Jane. (November 1983 to January 1984.
Terry and Esa Everroads from Martinsville began their pastorate in January 1984 through October 1984.
Bruce and Karen Wheeler came in November 1984 and moved the church from the Old Stewart Tabernacle building, and began meeting in Terry’s in Westbury Village. The church was renamed, Living Waters, in which Bruce and Karen still pastor today.
In the summer of 1991, a few people left Living Waters to reorganize the House of Prayer, as we know it today. Gary and Beverly Plummer were chosen to be the pastors as the church met in homes and basements until finally renting “the Little House” on Temperance Street in Ellettsville in October 1991.
Four months later, in February 1992, Steve and Donna Mitchell became the Pastors of the little church. In May 1993, the church moved into the “Warehouse” behind the Big Red Harley-Davidson. With more room, the church finally started to grow to an average of 35 to 55 on any given Sunday morning.
Things started really happening when Leon and Violet Mitchell along with Bill and Phyllis Mitchell (grandparents and parents of Steve and Larry Mitchell) gave the church 3.5 acres of ground on North Hartstrait Road just south of Ellettsville. Ground was broken and we began to build God’s House Of Prayer. The church had come a long way but many of the prophecies that had been spoken had not yet been fulfilled!
God’s number of completeness is seven! Before the church had moved to its present location in March 1994, in November of 1993, God had appointed and anointed Larry Mitchell as the seventh pastor of the little flock and almost immediately, prophecies began to be fulfilled and the church began to experience growth!
The church has grown to include “sister” churches Mt. Hebron House of Prayer in Cloverdale, IN and House of Prayer East Africa in Kitale, Kenya.
We are excited about the future…as we know God has many great plans for the House of Prayer… Jeremiah 29:11.
Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my House of Prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon my altar; for my house shall be called a House of Prayer for all people.
Isaiah 56:7