Larry was born in Bloomington, Indiana, and he finished high school at Ellettsville’s Edgewood High School. With no plans after graduation and just 18 years old, he bought his first Harley Davidson motorcycle. After a few years of just knockin’ around and running with the crowd, he left the Rock & Roll bands that he’s been performing with.
Larry joined a motorcycle club and was soon dealing in drugs, hot parts, and an occasional straight job in order to survive. The sting of death came very close many times through motorcycle wrecks, drug overdoses, and once, while trying to get out of a 1% club.
After many situations that couldn’t be reasoned away Larry finally realized the Lord was speaking to him. He surrendered his heart on the night of January 28, 1978. The biker MODO died and Larry Mitchell was born-again in the newness of life!!!!
Larry joined a local church and five years later he became an active member in Un-Chained Ministries Inc. (Jail and Prison Evangelism). He was appointed music director and several years later he was placed on the Executive Board of directors. From there he recorded several CD’s with the praise band, Soul Patrol.
Larry has been the Pastor of the House of Prayer Ellettsville (H.O.P.E) since November 8, 1993. Larry was also appointed the National Vice President of the Unchained Gang Motorcycle Ministries in July of 1998.
Larry and his wife Gracie have three sons who have given them many grandchildren (11) and great-grandchildren (11).
“The Bible” (of course) – all 66 books!
“Breaking Intimidation” by John Bevere
Don Francisco
Bill Wilson
Mercy Me
Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my House of Prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon my altar; for my house shall be called a House of Prayer for all people.
Isaiah 56:7