biblical counseling

CONTACT: JOhn leis

Call church office 812-876-9002

The purpose of this ministry is to teach people the sufficiency of God’s Word in solving problems biblically; to help people change and grow to please God and glorify Him.

Rather than focusing on your problem, a biblical counselor will focus on finding solutions from God’s Word. By making a biblical inquiry into your problem, you are helped to see your situation from God’s perspective. Counseling shows you how to develop a plan of action to make these significant changes. God has designed this discipleship process to bring you into conformity to His will for your life and give you His blessing and peace despite the difficulty of your circumstances.

What problems can a biblical counselor help me work through? A comprehensive range of problems can be dealt with adults and children alike: grief, divorce, pornography, abuse, poor parent-child relationship, suicide, depression, alcohol, drug abuse, anxiety, fear, tension, and more!

Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my House of Prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon my altar; for my house shall be called a House of Prayer for all people.

Isaiah 56:7

Contact Us

4100 North Hartstrait Road
Bloomington, IN 47404
P: 812-876-9002
F: 812-876-8167